You’ve got big changes going on in your life.
You’re ready to tap into your strengths and abilities that can help you deal with those changes…
Are you ready to have an empathetic and experienced cheerleader help you figure it all out?

Introducing COR.E Transitions DynamicsTM
COR.E Transitions DynamicsTM is the most comprehensive process for mastering the transitions in your life.
Transitions are an inevitable part of life. Some transitions are chosen, while others are given to us. Some transitions are major, and some are minor. Knowing how to deal with ALL transitions in your life from a highly conscious perspective will greatly increase your comfort with change and leave you excited and energized for what lies ahead (even when that is unknown).
Using this program, you will learn to:
- Understand the COR.E Transitions Dynamics process and how to implement it to successfully navigate the transitions in your life.
- Develop confidence, feel it during all your interactions and challenges, and keep it in the aftermath of adversity.
- Create long-term, powerful goals and short-term strategies that work toward the future AND have an immediate effect on how you show up and perform.
- Remove distractions in order to develop concentration, focus, alertness, decision-making abilities, and other attributes of those who successfully navigate life’s transitions.
- Create a philosophy/life perspective that resonates with high energy in order to create success in all aspects of life.
COR.E Transitions DynamicsTM draws on the concept that at the time of a transition, such as starting a new job, downsizing to a condo in another state after you sold the house your children grew up in, dealing with a new disability, or waiting months and months to adopt a baby, nothing is more important in that moment, than the energy you’re experiencing.
That’s because dealing with any transition requires that you perform tasks – whether that task is interviewing for a new position, having a difficult conversation with your spouse, packing up your home, or a myriad of other possibilities – and the more energy you have available for that task, the higher the potential for extraordinary performance. The better your performances are, the more effectively you’ll be able to navigate transitions and live an extraordinary life.
COR.E Transitions DynamicsTM integrates a knowledge base with the use of an assessment and a learning process that facilitates the ability to make successful transitions for individuals in whatever area of life they would like to feel more successful, satisfied, and engaged.
You’re overwhelmed by the changes going on in your life.
You’ve been piecing together advice from all the well-meaning people who love you…
And yet you’re still wondering how the heck you’re going to make your life feel good moving foward.
Imagine this… what might be possible if you…
- were more aware
- were more confident
- were more consistent
- were more connected to others and self, and
- had access to a systematic, repeatable approach to mastering the transitions in your life?

Stacie is a deep listener and asks powerful questions to help move you forward yet feel totally secure and supported.
I would say an overall success was the ability to try new things for my business. That can seem small, but actually quite large as everything takes one small step and that one small step can feel daunting for some.
Trying new things opened the door to so much more.
Sound familiar?
- You’re ready for peace and happiness, but you can’t move even one step further until you figure out who you truly are and what you truly want in life.
- You’re ready to rediscover yourself, show up authentically in your life, and feel everything is finally under control.
- You’re so not okay with just looking for an accountability partner or having more advice handed to you. You’re ready to rely on your core values and beliefs to guide you to making the right choices in your life and to live authentically and happily.

Your Transitions Mastery Blueprint: The 5 Components of COR.E Transitions Dynamics System
These 5 core components are critical in unlocking your true potential. It really doesn’t matter whether you’re considering a relatively minor transition, such as beginning an exercise routine, or if you are facing a major life change such as a difficult divorce where you feel turned upside down. Whoever you are and whatever your circumstances, these components are the bedrock on which your performance and ability to make successful transitions is based.
Component 1 – Creating Your “Game Plan”
Most people going through a transition are looking for something more or different out of the experience, but they either don’t know exactly what that “something” is or they have only defined part of the goal and not the complete picture. For instance, a couple might decide to buy a house together but may not spend much time considering what type of experience they wish to have in the process, how they’ll negotiate differences in opinions, or how they will handle any setbacks. Without this clarity and complete vision, you can struggle to reach the level of performance you’re looking for – and even when you reach a goal, you may still feel like something is missing. Any of this can lead to uncertainty, lack of confidence in decision-making, lack of fulfillment and enjoyment, or feeling constantly bored or consistently uneasy.
In this component of the program, you will:
- Understand the basis and foundation of COR.E Transitions Dynamics
- Create a vision with specific goals
- Build out your approach and your program
- Identify your baseline for performance potential using what will become one of your best assets, the SCOPE assessment
- Optional: Experience the eye-opening Energy Leadership Index assessment and debrief
Component 2 – Establishing Your Energy & Performance Foundation
Understanding the nature of energy (in all its forms) will help those who are in transition to develop more day-to-day consistency. To maintain consistency as well as excellence, both long- and short-term energies need to be managed properly. One’s talent and level of competency do not change from day to day or even moment to moment; it’s the person’s energy that is constantly changing.
By understanding the nature of the energy of performance, an individual can take steps to proactively create consistent experiences to lead to the probability of desired outcomes (we can’t guarantee the outcome itself – but we can set you up to be as well-positioned as you can in order to achieve it).
In this component of the program, you will:
- Explore mastery and its importance
- Dive into understanding the energy of performance
- Learn and begin to face what blocks energy (and thus significantly holds back your performance potential)
- Become aware of how you think, feel, and act, so that you can break through any limiting thoughts and undesired reactions
Component 3 – Finding and Harnessing Your Performance Influencers
How do you make real, meaningful, and intentional changes in the moment in a manner that either redirects your momentum to get back on track or further enhances your energy when things are going well?
This component helps you understand how to solve issues in real time. Waiting to make adjustments after your performance is for long-term progress – and very important. You also need to know what to do in the moment – so you can revamp, rethink, and retry on the fly.
You will understand how to boost your energy and performance in the moment. You’ll begin to develop a personal success formula that you can apply as needed to capitalize on your strengths, traits, preferences, and attitude. This dramatically improves the repeatability and consistency of your performance.
In this component of the program, you will:
- Discover the 6 energy influencers that most affect your performance
- See, feel, and understand exactly how much these influencers detract from your ability to perform at your current capacity
- Learn how to create shifts for yourself that produce high levels of energy in the moment
- Create action plans and determine which intervention strategies work best for you to bring about your ideal performance state
Component 4 – Mastering the 10 COR.E Disciplines
Where do distractions, lack of motivation or confidence, sabotaging self-talk, resistance, and other hexes that plague people in transition come from?
The world’s greatest decision-makers, change-makers, and individuals who powerfully transition get their calm, cool demeanor from a frame of mind, perspective, or attitude that unleashes their full potential. They have developed an approach that keeps their motivation high, their resiliency strong, and their ability to spot opportunities sharp.
This component reveals the 10 COR.E Disciplines that are instrumental to bringing out your ideal performance state.
In this component of the program, you will:
- Learn and practice the 10 COR.E Disciplines
- Create a life and leadership philosophy, based on these disciplines, that unleashes your energy, potential, and performance
- Discover a “way of being” that’ll be instrumental to bringing out your ideal performance state and your true potential
Component 5 – Optimizing Your Success Formula
One of the key elements to understand AND embrace: what worked yesterday may not work today, nor should it. You need to know how to evolve your approach building upon what’s working, modifying as you go, and eliminating the elements that no longer serve you.
Understanding what is and is not working can be complex. What appears to work or not work may be obvious or it could be much deeper and systemic. This is where the real optimization comes from – by knowing what’s at the core of your performance, you can continually focus on cause instead of effect, and build your potential for the long-term.
It’s time for you to make decisions and create change
as you’ve never done so before!

Stacie really listened to me and got to know me.
She understood my personality more and more as we met. She created a very open and easy way that came naturally, even though I am quite awkward. She asked questions until the answer revealed itself.
It was not always easy to talk about things but Stacie was patient. Stacie was easy to connect to as she was a real person who didn’t give me therapeutic terms but walked me through different perspectives.
She was kind and firm and didn’t let me get away with bullsh*t. She helped me push myself and I have grown much through meeting with her and continue to use tools she has taught me.
I have been able to continue a path of growth and change, when I had fallen stagnant. She helped me rejuvenate my desire to continue my own life purpose to speak up and out to heal and help others with similar stories.
Working With Me is Simple
After your discovery call, you can expect us to spend 9 sessions together:
- One session to review your Energy Leadership Index (ELI) Assessment results
- 7 90-minute sessions
- One “What’s Next” session.
- and, if needed, email support between sessions
It’s ok if you don’t know what your goals are yet! All you need to know is that you’re ready to make a change! We will prioritize what areas of your life you’d like to focus on, whether that is physical activity, finances, relationships, spirituality, creativity, or even just getting your home in order!
Once you’ve got your goals sitting in front of you, we will work together to close the gap between where you are now and where you want to be.
All of our sessions are over zoom, so I’m able to work with you even if you aren’t local to me. Lets celebrate the fact that phone calls and video conferences mean no waiting in traffic, no searching for parking spaces, and therefore, LESS TIME COMMITMENT!
COR.E Transitions DynamicsTM Program
- Energy Leadership Index Assessment and Review of Results session
- 3 COR.E Transitions DynamicsTM workbooks
- 7 personalized coaching sessions
- “What’s Next” session
- Between session email support, as needed

Stacie’s coaching goes beyond - it’s like coaching and caring rolled into one!
Stacie listens and remembers, so it never feels like you’re starting over. Stacie gives easy steps to follow and to measure. She holds you accountable and shows you how far you’ve progressed. I’ve gotten more confidence to do what I love. And, more ways to keep my stress in check!
About Me
I focus on helping my clients rediscover themselves and live authentically during and after changes and transitions. I understand the power of heart-centered life coaching that supports and inspires people to transform their lives into the one they are dreaming of.
I enjoy helping individuals rediscover their identity, create happy and sustainable relationships, and flourish in their lives. I also work with individuals who have experienced trauma put the insights they’ve gained through therapy into action.
I firmly believe in creating space for people to both share their own stories and learn from others’ stories. I believe that knowing we are not alone allows us to become more accepting of our own experiences and live a more authentic life.

How do I know if coaching is right for me?
Aside from wanting to make positive change in your life, there are some other questions that you should ask yourself to see if you’re ready to enter into a coaching relationship:
- Am I open to changing the way I think and act so I can reach my goals?
- Am I willing to be challenged on the way I think and act so I can reach my goals?
- Am I ready to be as honest as possible so I can reach my goals?
- Am I willing to do the work to reach my goals?
- Am I committed to the process of coaching, understanding that the majority of transformation occurs between coaching session when I’m putting in the work to reach my goals?
If you can answer yes to these questions, then it is extremely likely that, not only are you ready for coaching, but it will be highly beneficial to you.

Each time Stacie has coached me, I have felt completely at ease.
She listens deeply to what I say, often bringing out things I said weeks earlier, creating awareness for me of patterns that are getting in the way of my personal growth.
Stacie asks questions that get me thinking deeply about what is going on for me under the surface and providing a different perspective. I leave feeling validated, aware, and clear on my current circumstances and ideas for moving forward.
Most of all, she has helped me lean into my intuition, trust myself, and fearfully lean into change.
She has helped me lean into my intuition, trust myself, and fearfully lean into change.
Stacie has shown me how to find the underlying cause of many emotions I experience. Helping me see the stories I tell myself that limit me, question if they are true, and then confidently change those narratives to serve me instead of hindering my own development.
This last year has included a lot of change, and working with Stacie has made those transitions feel like opportunities for bigger and better things for me.
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