Nice to meet you!
Hey, girl! I’m super excited that you’re here. Heck, I’m super excited that I’m here! Its pretty funny when you decide to start a blog, you wonder how to start, what to write about, and all the shiny things! So I figured a little bit of a deeper dive into how I got here might be a way for you to get to know me a bit more.
If you read the “Professional Bio” area at the bottom of my about page, then you already know a little bit about me: I graduated from college, got married, had kids, went through a divorce, decided I need to help other people, attended health coaching training, and then decided to go for more life coaching training.
Here’s what you don’t know:
My divorce process lasted three full years. It was literally “official” three years to the date that I knew a divorce was going to happen. During that time, I felt a whole lot of what the heck is going on, how are my children going to make it through this, how will we be able to afford to live, how am I going to survive this? I made it through focusing on making all of my decisions based on what would be most beneficial to my children. I literally felt like I didn’t know who I was, what I wanted, or where I fit in within the world.
Once my divorce was finalized, I knew it was really time to start figuring myself out. What did I want my life to look like? Was I ready for a new relationship? What did I want to be when I grew up? I took little steps of deciding what I didn’t want – that was easier than knowing what I did want. I started thinking about what kind of work I’d like to do and what would fit around the schedule of my number one priority: my children.
During the summer of 2016 while my kids were on vacation with their dad, I got sick. Really weird sick. Like several days of 105 degree fevers. No puking. Just fever, weakness, and headaches with total body pain. I’ve suffered from terrible migraines since high school, but this illness made those debilitating migraines seem like a day at the park! When my fever “broke” to 102 degrees, I got in my car and drove three hours to my parents’ home (my dad is a kickass doctor!).
Upon arrival, I announced that I gave up and needed help. They put me in bed and cared for me like I was a little kid. During my time there, I joked that maybe I had Zika (remember that summer of Zika now?), but my family raised concerns about things like MS or Guillain-Barré syndrome. Eventually, the fever, headaches, and body aches went away, but I didn’t fully recover.
In March of 2017, I finally said enough was enough and somehow thought maybe it was the way I was eating that was truly holding me back from getting back to 100 per cent. I heard about the Whole30 reset diet. I figured I really had nothing to lose, and April 2017 was my first time doing Whole30. By the end of May, I was starting to finally feel like I had a year ago before getting sick. It was proof to me that food really can be medicine.
I found myself helping friends more and more about their health and well-being. I’d always been and sounding board for my friends, but I started to see more and more random people opening up around me. It made me wonder if maybe coaching was the route I should be exploring.
As you know, I ended up studying at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and became certified as a health coach through their program – which was amazing, by the way! I learned so much about food, exercise and coaching that I was really happy to share with my friends and family.
Once the coronavirus pandemic hit the United States in early 2020, the stage was set for change. The whole world had changed. I was in a funk. And I knew what that meant – a BIG change was coming my way. I knew that I wanted to pursue education to bring the focus of my coaching around to life coaching and helping women experiencing the divorce process and post-process.
I found iPEC Coaching and remembered that waaaaaay back when during my divorce process, I had considered doing their program. Fear held me back from taking that leap. I had so many synchronistic events occur over a three month period, that I finally just decided it was time to go sign up and dig deeper into coaching. And who did I speak to at iPEC? The same person I spoke to during my divorce process. Clearly, I was ready for this.
And so here we are…I have survived it all, ended up stronger, and now I’m ready to help you get through your challenges. I can’t wait for the day when you look back and see how far you’ve come!
In the meantime, I’m going to be creating lots of helpful content for you to come check out and continue being a coach in my life and my clients’ lives. Just like this blog, my social media is just getting started. I’d love it if you follow me on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, or Twitter!
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