Shiny Object Syndrome
I’ve been talking to more and more people – especially entrepreneurs – about the cycle of hyperfocus and lack of motivation to do anything at all. Call it jumping from project to project, adhd symptoms, shiny object syndrome, or even burnout…it all ends the same way: you’re not closer to reaching your goals and being a complete ass to yourself about it. Life feels faded rather than exciting and beautiful.
This cycle is actually a completely normal way of being. We humans actually enjoy following our curiosity, exploring new things, and naturally tapping into our quest for knowledge and ideas. And when we get that desire sated, we move on to the next thing. It keeps us learning and growing.
So, wait…if it’s normal for humans to experience this, what’s the problem?
If the constant hyperfocus to lack of motivation cycle is actually getting you closer to achieving your goals, then there is no problem, right?
But, if you’re falling prey to shiny object syndrome, then you’re NOT getting any closer to your goals.
Instead, you’re probably:
-wondering where all your time and resources have gone;
-feeling burnt out, exhausted, and un-motivated to do anything;
-hearing that inner voice that’s telling you that YET AGAIN, you haven’t seen a project to completion and there’s no way you’re going to be successful if you can’t stay focused on completing a project;
-questioning your choices and capability of being a “real” adult;
-trying to figure out why you’re having relationship challenges at just this same time of all of this going on;
-telling yourself that clearly something is wrong with you…and you don’t know how to fix it.
You’ve got some heavy stuff going on there, my friend. I’ve been working with people to help them get all this stuff moving in the right direction, and I’ve got a tip to share with you for today.
TIP: When you recognize that you’re EITHER in hyperfocus mode or lack of motivation/burnout mode:
-Take a moment to breathe. Literally a moment – just three nice breaths that feel good for your body.
-Be self compassionate. Tell yourself that this is a normal part of the human experience and allow yourself to experience some kindness and understanding rather than your typical self critical thoughts.
I’ll be back soon to talk more about this, but for now, I want to hear from you about your experiences – especially with self compassion! Leave me a comment or drop me a DM!