Common Questions About My Coaching Program

Common Questions About My Coaching Program

Hey, girl! I was asked a few questions about my coaching program, so I thought I’d let you in on the answers, too – I like to get some good info before deciding to take the leap into something new, too! Here are my most often asked questions:

  • What is wellness coaching, life coaching, health coaching, and divorce coaching?

In general, being coached by someone helps you achieve your goals. What makes coaching so beneficial is that it helps create the changes you wanted faster than when you tried doing it alone. Now, there is cut and dry coaching that just touches the surface – “hey what’s your goal, ok lets go get it” – that can be very helpful, especially in business and executive coaching.

I focus on transformative coaching. I want to know what your goal is, but I want to help you figure out what the underlying issue is that is holding you back. I will help you challenge whatever self-limiting belief you may have that’s keeping you from reaching your goals.

Wellness coaching and health coaching are generally used interchangeably. Both are focused on helping you to achieve your goals for your overall well-being taking into account both physical health and lifestyle factors. It can be that plain and simple, or it can be transformative like the style of life coaching you will receive with me.  Personally, the term wellness coaching reflects more of a whole life – whole body, mind and soul coaching – coaching rather than just your health.

Life coaching focuses on clarifying your goals, challenges, and strategies for overcoming your obstacles. Like wellness coaching, this can also be cut and dry surface coaching or transformative, focusing on mindset, self limiting beliefs, fear, etc.

Divorce coaching is transformative life and health/wellness coaching that specifically focuses on guiding someone through the transitions and new goals that divorce creates in their lives.

You can read my story about how I became experienced in these areas by checking out this post

  • What is the difference between coaching and therapy?

Coaches are collaborators. Unlike therapists, coaches do not diagnose or treat any medical, including mental health, issues. Therapy is truly about healing your past and bringing some closure to the events of the past, while coaching is focused on moving from the here and now toward a more positive future.  Both coaching and therapy can be used together and both can create a strong foundation in creating a better life for yourself.

  • How do I know if coaching is right for me?

Aside from wanting to make positive change in your life, there are some other questions that you should ask yourself to see if you’re ready to enter into a coaching relationship:

Am I open to changing the way I think and act so I can reach my goals?

Am I willing to be challenged on the way I think and act so I can reach my goals?

Am I ready to be as honest as possible so I can reach my goals?

Am I willing to do the work to reach my goals?

Am I committed to the process of coaching, understanding that the majority of transformation occurs between coaching session when I’m putting in the work to reach my goals?

If you can answer yes to these questions, then it is extremely likely that, not only are you ready for coaching, but it will be highly beneficial to you.

  • How does your coaching program work?

You can read more about how my program works by checking out this page. I recommend at least a six month program to my clients.  As you know, you didn’t get where you are right now in a day, so it will take longer than a day to get to where you want to go! And more importantly, remember that we are avoiding the quick-fix-and-quick-to-return-to-your-current-state bullsh*t – we want sustainable transformation! 

Once you complete your coaching program, if you feel you would benefit to continue with our coaching sessions, I am always open to discussing your options to extend your program, including once a month or on-demand scheduling.

Each program includes two 45 minute long meetings per month, all assessments, and email support, if desired, between sessions.

Single coaching sessions can be requested, as well as longer sessions to address specific needs can be requested (please contact me to discuss).

  • How do I choose a coach?

I’m going to be honest with you on this one, girl. This is purely intuition and/or gut reaction.

The best way for you to choose a coach is to see if you like their presence online enough to schedule a call with them. Schedule that call and see if you mesh with the coach. Do you think this person can help you reach your goals? Are you comfortable talking to them? Are their prices within your financial boundaries? Expect to be a little nervous – I mean, you are talking about trying to transform your life into the one of your dreams, right? A wise friend once told me that fear can feel an awful lot like excitement, so is it really fear? Or is it excitement? Trust your gut. You’ll know if its the right person for you.

Do you have a question that you don’t see here, busy Momma?  Post it below in the comments, or give me a hollah by clicking here and filling out my contact form.  Or…maybe you feel a tingle of excitement to start being coached? How about a quick 30 minute free phone call to see if we’d be a good match? Its completely free and no obligation to sign up for a program.  I believe that when you’re ready, you’re ready – so don’t expect a sales call. Let’s just get to know each other a tiny bit, see where you stand right in this moment, and if I can help you get to where you want to be.

Click here to schedule a time to meet by phone.  I can’t wait to hear from you!