How My Coaching Program Works

How My Coaching Program Works

Hey, Momma! If you’re anything like me, you like to have a little more info before jumping into something. I hope this post can help shed some light on what to expect from your coaching sessions with me.

Program Overview

My coaching program provides confidential, heart-centered guidance, practical tips/resources, and structure that help you stay focused on your goals and moving toward them each day.  Because I know that you are you and I am me and we are two very lovely, very different souls, I don’t take a one size fits all approach to my coaching program.  Each session, I will meet you where you are in the moment, and that’s where we will begin. I believe in the concept of bio-individuality, where each person has their own unique health, food, exercise, and lifestyle needs, and I honor that each coaching session is about what you need right now to reach your goals. 

The first session or two is usually devoted to determining your goals and establishing what you’d truly like to achieve. Don’t worry, girl! Its ok if you don’t know what that is yet! My job is to ask you the right questions during our sessions and help you decipher what truly matters most to you. I have some really helpful assessments like the Wheel of Life that can help you prioritize what areas of your life you’d like to focus on, whether that is food, physical activity, finances, relationships, spirituality, creativity, or even just getting your home in order! We will do whatever it takes for you to have absolute clarity about what you want to achieve. Once you’ve got your goals sitting in front of you, we will work together to close the gap between where you are now and where you want to be.

You can expect to have some homework between sessions, but don’t get scared, Momma! I know you’re busy. The homework will be specific actions that we’ve identified as being the most important things you can do next to move closer to your overarching goal. We will be sure that these are things that you can accomplish before your next session.  Once you make the commitment to do the actions, knowing that you have someone holding you accountable will help you follow through and do that thing! If you want to make serious progress on reaching your goals, you will find that this crucial combination of commitment, accountability, and follow through is your new best friend.

So when will you start seeing results? Well, it’s true that if you start taking action today, you’ll start to notice immediate changes.  But you also need to be realistic – bigger goals take a longer time to accomplish.  The key is coaching combined with consistent action – the best way to transform your life into the one you’ve been dreaming of. None of this quick-fix-and-quick-to-return-to-your-current-state bullsh*t. Our focus is long term, sustainable results that will bring you happiness and peace.

Program Location & Length of Sessions

Thanks to the coronavirus pandemic, it seems most people have gotten used to doing business by phone or video conference. Great news for us, because that means I am able to work with you even if you aren’t local to me. I do hope to be able to offer in-person coaching as soon as possible.  In the meantime, lets celebrate the fact that phone calls and video conferences mean no waiting in traffic, no searching for parking spaces, and therefore, LESS TIME COMMITMENT!  Our coaching sessions are 45 minutes long, although longer sessions can be requested for specific sessions (please contact me to discuss). 

Program Options

Generally, I recommend at least a six month program to my clients.  As you know, you didn’t get where you are right now in a day, so it will take longer than a day to get to where you want to go! And more importantly, remember that we are avoiding the quick-fix-and-quick-to-return-to-your-current-state bullsh*t – we want sustainable transformation.  

Once you complete your coaching program, if you feel you would benefit to continue with our coaching sessions, I am always open to discussing your options to extend your program, including once a month or on-demand scheduling.

Each program includes two 45 minute long meetings per month, all assessments, and texting and email support between sessions.

Single coaching sessions can be requested, as well as longer sessions to address specific needs can be requested (please contact me to discuss).

You can check out some of the most common questions I get asked about my coaching program by clicking here.

Now What?

Ok, girl, now you’ve got a handle on the details a bit more. Are you getting excited to be coached? How about a quick 30 minute free phone call to see if we’d be a good match? Its completely free and no obligation to sign up for a program.  I believe that when you’re ready, you’re ready – so don’t expect a sales call. Let’s just get to know each other a tiny bit, see where you stand right in this moment, and if I can help you get to where you want to be.

Click here to schedule a time to meet by phone.  I can’t wait to hear from you!